Thursday, February 7, 2008

Taking a Second Look

This clip of the movie Garden State takes place when Mark takes Sam and Largeman on a full day excursion to the most random places, all to find a family heir loom for Largeman. Just when Largeman has had enough with his immature friend Mark, they find a man who lives in a house boat along a huge canyon, who happens to have the family heir loom they are looking for. This clip is kind of the turning point in the movie when Largeman realizes he has to start dealing with the emotions he has with the loss of his mother.
This clip starts out as a medium shot, showing the house boat and the three characters leaving the warm house to venture into the rain with their make shift rain coats. The camera then turns to face a close up shot of Largeman saying goodbye to the man in the house boat. The shot then goes to a medium shot again while Largeman climbs the rusty tractor. This shot is also using high-key lighting with he drab colors of the sky and bright color of the tractor. When Largeman is on top of the tractor the camera goes to a close up, and while he is screaming is scans aways to an extended long shot. This extended long shot has a huge impact on the clip. When Largeman is screaming and the camera is close up, it seems like his problems are the only ones that matter. As the camera moves to the extended shot and uncovers the "abyss" it makes Largeman seem minute and unimportant in the grand scheme of things.

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