Thursday, February 7, 2008

Favorite Movie?

My favorite movie is Almost Famous, for the IMDB link click here

The movie Almost Famous released in 200o, tells the story of William Miller who is striving to be a young rock journalist for the Rolling Stone Magazine. He grew up with an overbearing mother who put him in 1st grade when he was four years old, so he has always been the weird kid, and now at 15 he is trying to find himself and possibly be "cool". At a Black Sabbath concert William meets a groupie of the band Stillwater, Penny Lane, which is where his journey begins. In the matter of a few days William meets the bad, becomes friends with Penny Lane and is asked to write a piece about Stillwater for the Rolling Stone Magazine. Williams then goes on tour with the bad, which becomes a wild goose chase discovering the ins and outs of a rock band in the 70s and in turn finding out who he really is.
Throughout the movie William tries to get an interview with the lead singer Russell, but never seems to get him at the right time. This is an ironic theme in the movie, that this band is trying to pick the best moment to come off as cool to this reporter, William, and in reality William is everything but cool.
This is one of my favorite movies because it not only covers many aspects of music, which I love, but it is also a coming of age story. Critics also agree with this, saying that the acting was "true and honest" (USA Today), and also a balanced coming of age story, romantic comedy, with a twist of a documentary type feel. In all I really like this movie and would definitely recommend it.

1 comment:

Compadre said...

I love this movie too, simply great and deep.